Corrective Chiropractic
The Only Advanced CBP® Clinic in the Middle East
Transform Your Life with Lasting Pain Relief and Total Body Wellness Through Expert Postural Correction and Spinal Rehabilitation!
The Rationale for CBP
Patients who have recently sustained an injury or are experiencing new pain or discomfort will start with adjustments aimed at improving mobility and reducing pain. Ice is commonly applied to minimize swelling, while specific stretches and massage techniques, as appropriate, are utilized to alleviate muscle spasms. The Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) corrective care plan incorporates a combination of adjustments, corrective extension traction procedures, and corrective postural exercises. What sets CBP apart is not the individual techniques but the underlying rationale and the strategic approach to using these tools to achieve the desired outcomes.
Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP®) integrates mathematics, physics, and biophysics into chiropractic care, providing a robust framework for communicating its principles within the scientific community. CBP® focuses on understanding and applying the fundamental laws that govern matter, energy, and their interactions in nature. With over two decades of ongoing research, this approach continues to enhance our understanding of human structure and function, enabling us to refine our techniques and better serve patients.
The primary aim of the CBP® technique is to restore proper three-dimensional human posture. This is achieved through a combination of postural adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, cervical extension traction, and manual procedures, all designed to deliver lasting corrective care. CBP® seeks to address the root cause of the problem rather than offering temporary solutions.
The Harrison model serves as a benchmark for what is considered "normal" posture, with deviations from this standard identified as subluxations. While the model represents one of the most comprehensive efforts in chiropractic care to define normal posture, it is recognized as a foundation for further development. As research progresses, the model is expected to evolve, advancing the effectiveness of corrective care in CBP®.